Application of Parametric Models for Cost and Carbon (CO2) Footprint Estimating in Infrastructure Projects
Apostolos (Tolis) Chatzisymeon, Manolis Georgioudakis, Justice Sechele, Arnaldo M. Angelini, and Andrew Langridge (2022). Application of Parametric Models for Cost and Carbon (CO2) Footprint Estimating in Infrastructure Projects. 2022 AACE International, Technical Paper.
Abstract: As the environmental impact of infrastructure megaprojects becomes increasingly important in early concept decisions, especiallydue to CO2 emission reduction commitments of developed countries, it is essentialthat consultants and project owners can assess not only budgetary costs butalso the overall embodied CO2 of their project designs. Having timely feedbackof the cost and CO2 footprint of the asset types they assess for theirprojects, before their final design, can help reduce both costs and CO2 andtherefore optimize the overall design. This paper describes a case study on howinfrastructure asset conceptual parametric models (also called smartassemblies) for providing both cost and CO2 estimates can be used in a roadproject and how they can apply in Class 5 to 3 estimates in conjunction withGIS definitions or more detailed asset scope to deliver cost and carbonoptimized projects.